New and funny jokes - funny jokes - funny new series SMS
Do not be that guy
By this blessing
Funny Jokes English
By this blessing
Funny Jokes English
We had gone to a party!
We sat for two hours once a little girl who owns the house, said: uncle! When are you going?
His uncle told what to do?
She said we'll have cake to eat when you're
PS: After the event it is not known yet healthy little girl
Funny Jokes English
I feel very bad. . . . . . Let's go kill hookah
I am very happy. . . . . Let's go kill hookah
I do not get bored. . . . . . . . Let's go kill hookah
I do not have petrol. . . . . . . . . Let's go kill hookah
Classes were canceled. . . . . . . Let's go kill hookah
Got my degree. Spice it? . . . . . . Let's go kill hookah
A hookah is a noble teachers
Funny Jokes English
The best way to maintain the security of the bathroom does not lock, is:
Do you wet your hand take whoever came Hose
Funny Jokes English
What is the difference between a mandarin orange and the Nature Did you know?
Mandarin orange pants, but wears you support!
I did not because the information bag? I treasure rare information!
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