How to make pickled green tomatoes

How to make pickled green tomatoes

How to make pickled green tomatoes

With the ingredients in this tutorial you can make a small glass of pickled tomatoes, if you want to make more or less pickled tomatoes you can measure the amount of ingredients needed by multiplying and dividing the ingredients.


  •     Tarragon 2 branches
  •     Green tomatoes; gr
  •     Salt and white vinegar are enough


  1.  To make homemade pickled tomatoes, we first try to select and wash the same tomatoes and put them in a drain to remove excess water and then spread a cloth and spread the tomatoes on the cloth. we put
  2. Wait until the moisture is completely absorbed and dry. Then sprinkle the tomatoes in a completely dry glass and place tarragon twigs on top of them.
  3. Add a little vinegar to half a glass in a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of salt (salt depending on whether the tomatoes are sour or sesame) and mix with vinegar to dissolve in the vinegar.
  4. And sprinkle the vinegar on the tomatoes to cover them thoroughly and close the glass lid and place for 6 weeks in a cool, dry place such as a sour glass fridge to be ready for use.
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