How to make homemade pickled garlic at home

How to make homemade pickled garlic at home

How to make homemade pickled garlic at home

Pickled garlic

Pickled garlic is one of the most authentic and old Iranian pickles that always comes alongside authentic Iranian food. The more pickled garlic the more expensive and tasty it is, and the seven-year pickle is one of the best pickles among Iranians.

Ingredients Pickled Garlic

    Pepper 2 pcs
    2 g garlic
    Tarragon 2 branches
    Enough salt
    Enough vinegar

How to Make Pickled Garlic

Step One

You do not need to separate garlic bushes for garlic picking; just remove the extra parts of the bush and leave them to dry after washing.

Step Two

Be sure to use glass containers for garlic picking. Sprinkle the garlic with the tarragon and pepper in a pickle pan and sprinkle with some salt at the end.

third level

Finally, pour the vinegar over the garlic and secure the glass lid tightly so that no air enters the container, causing the garlic to melt. The important thing at this point is that the vinegar has to cover the garlic.

Step Four

To remove the air inside the pickle pan, insert the pickle glass into a pot of boiling water to soak in boiling water for 15 minutes and remove all air inside it. Then place in a cool, dry place away from sunlight to prepare pickled garlic.